Blackheads generally occur when your hair follicles become clogged with dirt, oil, dead skin cells or any other impurities in the pores of your skin. Since there is no skin attachment to blackheads, they are constantly in contact with oxygen, which oxidizes them and makes them to turn to dark black color.
Lemons have a lot of health benefits and they are great for your skin health too. Rich levels of vitamin C, antioxidants, fruit acids, and sugars will remove blackheads, prevent dark spots or scars, will relieve sunburns, and will brighten your skin. The Alpha Hydroxy Acid found in lemon prevents the formation of blackheads, acne, pimples or any skin problems. Also, the citric acid in lemons removes the blackheads, and tightens the skin pores.
How to remove blackheads with the help of Lemon?
Here are some methods that will help you to get rid of blackheads with this natural remedy:
.Cotton ball
.Lemon juice
Soak the cotton ball into a small bowl with freshly extracted lemon juice, and apply it on the affected area. Allow it to dry and after that wash it with gentle scrubbing. Repeat this method 2-3 times during the day and your blackheads will disappear. Don’t apply lemon juice directly without diluting something if your skin is sensitive, because it will cause itching, irritation, and redness.
Lemon with Yogurt, Salt, and Honey
Squeeze the fresh lemon and mix the extracted lemon juice with small amounts of yogurt, salt, and honey. Mix it well, and apply the mixture on your face. Scrub it gently and let it stay for a minute. After that, wash your face with water. Optionally, you can swap yogurt with fresh milk. For quick relief simply repeat the method regularly and the blackheads will be gone.
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