Coronary Arteries Cleanse With Only 3 Ingredients - 1eccellente
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Thursday, December 17, 2015

Coronary Arteries Cleanse With Only 3 Ingredients

The role of arteries in the human body is to transport nutrients and oxygen to the heart and to other major body organs. Logically, they need to remain clean in order to preserve your health. Because of this, nutrition is crucial for your arteries and your entire health.
Heavily processed products, fatty foods, toxins and chemicals may lead to serious damage of the cardiovascular health, since they cause havoc with the cardiovascular system.

There are three effective ingredients which can alleviate and even eliminate blocked arteries and remove fat from blood, so they are extremely important for those who suffer from blocked coronary arteries.

Their mixture results in a delicious and healthy drink which provides numerous health benefits. Namely, this combination can regulate body fat, will enable you to resolve blocked coronary arteries easily, will purify the liver, protect the body from flu and cold, destroy free radicals and infections that impair the blood circulation and improve the immune system entirely.
Here below is the recipe for the miraculous coronary arteries cleansing drink:
.4 liters/1 gal of clean water
.8 lemons
.8 cloves of garlic
.4-5 cm /1.9 inches of ginger
Rinse lemons well and slice them in pieces. Now add the peeled ginger and garlic and put all of them in a blender. Blend the mixture until it becomes smooth and then place it in a pot.
Then, add the water and put the liquid from the pot to boil. When it starts boiling, remove it from heat. Let the mixture to cool off and strain the liquid. Pour the prepared drink in bottles.
This healthy beverage should be consumed on a daily basis. Drink it on an empty stomach two hours before meals. It is advisable to do some physical activity at least three times a week during this cleansing treatment. That will lead not only to artery cleansing, but to an improvement of the overall health condition.

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