This Natural Recipe Will Make Your Facial Hair Disappear Forever! - 1eccellente
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Saturday, July 11, 2015

This Natural Recipe Will Make Your Facial Hair Disappear Forever!

Women from the East are using this natural recipe for many centuries. There’s no person on the earth that is not getting nervous when facial hair is in question. Most common problem is with appearance of hair above the lips. If you had the same problem, you probably tried to remove this hair with wax. We will show you much effective and natural solution that is helping to many women on the East.

This amazing mixture removes hair and is calming your skin too. It makes your skin healthy and glowing. The ingredients are full with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Even if there are people who don’t pay attention on the skin health, they should! Everything that is coming in contact with our skin is getting absorbed directly into our blood, which is making the skin biggest organ of our body.



-1 tbsp oatmeal paste
-2 tbsps of honey
-2 tbsps of lemon juice


Simply, mix everything together and apply them on the affected area. Let the mixture rest for 15 minutes, and after that wash the face with warm water. Apply face cream and you are done. Repeat this process two or three times in a week, and after one month your facial hair will be gone.

The acids of lemon juice can be irritating, but there are a lot of skin benefits from them. This wonderful juice diminishes age spots and scars, heals acne, exfoliates the skin, lightens and brightens the skin, removes wrinkles, tones and moisturizes oily skin.

Honey contains anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory compounds that are reducing appearances of scars, and boost tissue regeneration. It can also help with removing of wrinkles and acne. Honey restores lost hydration to the deepest layers of skin that was overexposed to sun.

Oatmeal paste soothes itchy, irritated, and dry skin thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds called avenanthramides.

Source: ExploreHealthyFood

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