Never Do This In The Evening, If You Want To Reduce Belly Fat And Get A Slimmer Waist! - 1eccellente
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Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Never Do This In The Evening, If You Want To Reduce Belly Fat And Get A Slimmer Waist!

The weight control is one of the most common problems in today’s modern societies. Recent studies that have been dedicated to the fat reducing process, have proven that the association of cortisol is connected with the belly fat.

Cortisol is the hormone that our body releases in order to deal with stress. But, unluckily, the high cortisol levels are connected with the increased levels of abdominal fat.

Therefore, if you want to reduce the cortisol and to burn the extra belly fat, here are the things that you shouldn’t do. Read carefully and you can start right away, so you can feel the results in very short time. Let’s start:

Work less

The studies have shown that if you are working more than 48 hours per week, you are easily increasing stress, increasing the likelihood of drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes and similar unhealthy habits, and all of that can be transferred out of its normal limits.

The consummation of alcohol is increasing the cortisol and is causing an increase of the abdominal fat. So, if you want to reduce the size of the belly, decrease the consummation of alcohol and if possible, decrease the working hours.

Don’t consume caffeine after 18:00 h.

The caffeine is doubling the cortisol level, especially if you are consuming it at night it is having negative impact on the sleeping quantity. Therefore, avoid the caffeine in the evening because less sleeping hours are increasing the cortisol.

Take a break & turn yourself “off”

Recent Canadian research have shown that those who are “involved” constantly, especially on todays’ technology in daytime, like using smart phones, computes, TV, are having expressively higher stress comparing to those who are taking break during the day, or taking time to “switch off”.

So, remember, more stress is causing more abdominal fat!


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