Wrinkles are the first sign of aging and they sure affect our self-esteem. Remember, it is really hard to treat deep wrinkles, as it takes more time and patience.
You could use different face creams that are supposed to keep your skin young and safe from harsh weather. However, you would all agree that nature always has the best solution for you and your skin complexion.
Try this homemade face toner and stand strong against the aging process.
.1 lemon
.1/2 glass beer
.1/2 glass rose water
1/ Juice the lemon.
2/ Add beer and rose water. Stir well.
3/ Apply the mask on a clean face. Use a cotton pad for an easier application.
4/ Leave it on for a while and let the ingredients do their magic. For optimal results apply the toner before you go to bed and leave it on overnight.
Your will wake up with a softer and smoother skin.
Source: www.fashionmg-style.com