Facial skin is almost impossible to be cleansed perfectly with preparations for cleaning and washing, but then again there is the face steaming, an ancient method which is almost completely forgotten.
Russian MTV presenter Anita Bhoumik reminded us of this method, thanks to which she has a perfectly clean face.
“To open pores, put your head under a towel and over hot water previously placed in a large basin for couple of minutes. But be careful, the water mustn’t be very hot to avoid burn marks. Then wash your face. The effect is much better than when you just wash it, because the pores are much better cleaned in this way, “explained Anita for Huffington Post about the method that has learned from her father.
Steaming the face, despite the technology and various face products, it remained definitely as a very important method, and was used even by the old Romans.
The advantages are numerous – opens pores, removes dead cells, helps against acne and problematic complexion and improves the circulation.
Therefore, clean the face with steaming and repeat the procedure at least every two weeks:
– First clean the dirt and make-up in the usual way.
– Pour the boiling water into a large basin and keep your face over it (certainly not too close to avoid burning)
– Put a larger towel over head.
– Wait couple of minutes.
– If you want you can “spice up” the water with some calming tea as chamomile for example.
– Then rinse well with plain cold water and apply cream.
If you are suffering from skin diseases that cause redness, if your skin is prone to redness or have sensitive capillaries avoid this method. Also, if during the steaming you feel any discomfort, immediately stop the procedure.